Monday, September 7, 2015

Civ 5 Project 2015

My initial experience with Civ. 5 was mixed at best. I had trouble playing the game at first and I found the speed of the game to be a little show. I especially had trouble when it came to gaining a bigger population and my first attempted at laying siege to a city-state ended in a costly failure. However, I eventually got use to the game and things are going smoothly this time around. With my civilization slowly expanding and getting bigger with more cities. As well as a boom in population. I am also proud to say that I conquered my first city-state! Which, will be the first of many, as I plain to aim for a domination victory in the long-run. I know that it is not required to conquer city-states but in order to expand my empire it will be inevitable.

As for the civilization I have chosen, I had decided from the very beginning that I would play as Germany under Otto Von Bismarck. I decided on this from the very beginning because I have always felt that though out history Germany has been one of the most Nationalistic and Militaristic countries in history, though not as much nowadays. Though there is still nationalism. Due to my love and high respect for the values of Nationalism and Militarism, choosing Germany was to me an obvious chose. One of the things that I am currently looking forward to in the game is advancing to the Industrial Age, where I have noticed that you get to choose an official ideology. I already have my ideology picked out, Autocracy. I am so anxious and excited to become an Autocracy, as I feel it fits perfectly with the two things I love and value highly, mentioned earlier above, that I have been aggressively perusing progress. I am already in the Medevil Age! One thing I can state for sure is that once my civilization becomes an Autocracy, I will declare war on any civilization based on the ideology of Order, as I have noticed that this (Order) is based completely on communism. So, I will declare war out of principle! (As I am very anti-communist and anti-marxist)

Painting of Bismarck at age 75